Atul Limited
First of its kind biological solution developed for Pharma Intermediate effluent with pH of 2, COD of 15,000 ppm and TDS as high as 100,000 ppm, giving a 95% reduction in COD.
Overview of the Company:
- Atul Limited is one of the largest chemical manufacturing company based at Valsad, Gujarat.
- The group is engaged in manufacturing of Chemicals, Pharma Intermediate products, dyes, specialty chemicals. The company has world class manufacturing facility near Valsad.
Inlet Effluent detail
- pH : 1.5 to 13
- TDS : 50000 to 95000 ppm
- COD : 8000 to 45000 ppm
Objective of Treatment
- To neutralize the pH of the effluent without any chemical addition and sludge
- To bring COD in the range of discharge norms.( Client has sea discharge permit so no
issue of TDS)
Before Applying the Algae Technology:
- The client has issue of treating the effluent because of high COD value and high TDS
value because there is no any bacterial based ASP will work in this system because of
very high TDS value.
- So the only option the client has was to evaporate the effluent with Multi Effect
Evaporator which has very high operating cost. If the client can treat the Cod and
bring them in the range of discharge limit, it can discharge as there is no any issue of
TDS because it has sea discharge permit.
- So client has taken decision to set up the Micro Algae based treat plant because this
is the only biological process which can work at extreme high TDS and reduce the
COD. The results are very encouraging.
1) COD Reduction :
- The inlet COD was anywhere between 6000 ppm to as high as 45000 ppm. The effluent was
taken into system without Ph neutralization.
- The COD reduction we got without any chemical addition was in the range of 90 to 95 %.
- The stability of the system was such high that despite extreme high TDS value, the system do not get disturbed.
- The COD reduction has shown in the graph below
2) pH Neutralization :
- The pH of the inlet effluent was varying in the range of 1.5 to 13. The system was set up in the batch process where on daily basis the effluent with low/high pH was added into the system. After 24 hours the pH get corrected to neutral.
- You can see in the below graph that the tank pH is nearly between 8 to 8.5.
- There are no any chemicals are added in the system